Click 2 Call
Allows Website Visitors to type in their Phone/Mobile Number & Click the Call Button, instantly their phone will ring and they will be connected to a representative of the site owner over normal phone lines.
Voice Broadcasting
It is a simple communications technology that broadcast a recorded voice message (advertisement / jingle) to thousands of call recipients in a very short period of time. Often used for community alerts,notifications.
Virtual Call Center
In Virtual Call Centre, you can Setup a Voice Message as Introduction with Options of Pressing key Option 1, 2, 3, 4, & so on. Then Configure phone numbers to each option number.

Instant Call Back Service is a Voice Communication Venture of our parent company JoinIndia.
JoinIndia is an ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company Established in 1998, Dedicated to Web Hosting, Domain Registration, Bulk SMS Gateway, Long/Short Code, SIM Hosting, Email2Fax, Email2Phone, Instant Callback, Virtual Call Centre, Voice Broadcasting, Online Payment Gateway Services,Consultancy, Intranet, Wide Area Network, Wi-Fi & Wi-Max Solutions, Bulk Document Scanning, Storage & Management, Call Center Infrastructure , Mobile Application Developer & VAS Provider, Software Application Development, IT enabled Solutions, Remote Infrastructure Support (Data Centre) & More.
- Dedicated Server, Collocation Servers in our USA & Indian DC.
- VAS Application Development, Deployment, Support.
- IT Business Solutions.
- Telecom and Voice Communication Services
Click 2 Call
Click 2 Call is the Instant Call back Services for all Web Site Owners / Webmasters / Marketing Team of your Website, etc.that like to offer a free phone call to their visitors.
SMS 2 Call
SMS2Call helps to connect Website Owner or their Call Centre or Sale Executive instantly with customer who has responded by SMS to your advertisements.
Voice Broadcasting
Voice Broadcasting is a simple communications technology that broadcasta recorded voice message (advertisement/ jingle) tothousands of call recipients in a very short period of time.
Virtual Call Center
In Virtual Call Centre, you can Setup a Voice Message as Introduction with Options of Pressing key Option 1, 2, 3, 4, & so on..
Text 2 Voice Call
Send message through our Web Panel dashboard or API and they will be converted from SMS text to voice call
Voice SMS
It is a simple communications technology that broadcast a recorded voice message to thousands of call recipients.
JoinIndia Ventures